Thomas Wimbush
Thomas Wimbush, London silversmith, no record of apprenticeship or freedom. 1st mark entered as plateworker 1828. 2nd mark in partnership with Henry Hyde 1834. The Post Office directory of 1834 records Wimbush as Manufacturing Gold & Silversmith to the King, and a coffee pot, bearing his mark 1829 is engraved with the cypher of George IV. Information courtesy of Grimwade.
Thomas Wimbush
Thomas Wimbush, London silversmith, no record of apprenticeship or freedom. 1st mark entered as plateworker 1828. 2nd mark in partnership with Henry Hyde 1834. The Post Office directory of 1834 records Wimbush as Manufacturing Gold & Silversmith to the King, and a coffee pot, bearing his mark 1829 is engraved with the cypher of George IV. Information courtesy of Grimwade.
Thomas Wimbush
10406 George IV Antique Silver Soup Tureen
An outstanding antique silver tureen with matching domed cover. Large and impressive; excellent size for serving soup, casseroles and vegetables. Fantastic weight and very fine quality. The oval bellied shape is applied with stunning cast silver handles and oak and acorn foliate shaped feet; the lid handle is cast in the form of a lion rampant. Hand engraved armorials to the front and reverse of the body and lid for the Honorable East India Company and the Bosanquet family. Heavy gauge silver. Good colour. Weight 4,735g, 1522.2 troy oz. Spread across handles 43cm. Height 26cm (total, 23cm (top of handle). London 1829. Maker Thomas Wimbush. Sterling silver.