
18th century

18th century

  • 1721

    Abraham Buteux

    10434 George I Antique Silver Teapot


    An exquisite little early English silver teapot of pear shape, with octagonal curved spout and wood scroll handle. Good gauge silver. Hand engraved to the front within a decorative cartouche is a large contemporary armorial for the Shuckburgh baronetcy. Early teapots were of small capacity because of the rarity of tea. Early teapots were of small capacity because of the rarity of tea. Contains 450 ml. Weight (including handle) 383 grams, 12.3 troy oz. Height 14.5cm, 5.7ins. Spread 18cm, 7ins. London 1721. Maker Abraham Buteux. Sterling silver.

  • Circa 1720 - 1730


    10437 George I Antique Gold Snuff Box


    A sumptuous early 18th century gold box of cartouche form with a hinged lid. The top panel is chased with the classical goddess Diana reclining in a forest setting with an Apollo mask above. The shaped side panels are decorated with dogs and birds. There is an old German or Austrian collector’s label attached inside. Supplied with later fitted blue box.
    Weight 68g, 2 troy oz approx. Width 6.5cm, 2.5ins. English, Dutch or German. Circa 1725. Solid gold, high grade probably 18 or 22ct.

  • 1749

    James Morrison

    10436 George II Antique Silver Basket


    A delightful little miniature George II silver swing handled sweetmeat basket of oval form. Very small size. The quality is excellent with heavy gauge silver and good colour. The handle and border are expertly cast with finely executed shell, scroll and flower decoration. The body has pierced lattice design, the centre hand engraved with an armorial within a decorative cartouche. The cast feet have interesting figural face masks standing on shell feet. Weight 316g, 10.1 troy oz. Height 12.2cm, 4.8ins (total including handle), 4.8cm, 1.9ins (basket only). Top measures 14.8cm, 5.8ins x 12.7cm, 5ins. London 1749. Maker James Morrison. Sterling silver.

  • 1746 - 1747

    Jacques-Joseph Giraud

    10440 French Antique Silver Ewer and Basin


    An excellent quality 18th century silver jug and basin of plain design with gadroon borders. Heavy gauge silver and fine workmanship. The baluster form ewer has a curved hinged lid with flower bud leaf finial; the lower body with shaped panels on a stippled background. The oval basin has a simple, segmented undulating form. Hand engraved to both pieces is a family coat of arms with a coronet above and motto “Pax Mea Ex Me In Deo Spe” below. Ewer weight 926g, 29.77 troy oz. Ewer height 25cm, 9.8ins, spread 17cm, 6.7ins. Basin weight 920g, 29.5 troy oz. Basin height 4.5cm, 1.7ins, top – 36cmx24cm, 14.1insx9.6ins. Marseille, France 1746/7. Maker Jacques-Joseph Giraud and Antoine Giraud.

  • 1716

    Pierre Platel

    10438 George I Antique Silver Teapot


    A fine and rare early English silver teapot of bullet form with a simple ring foot and carved wooden fruit wood handle and finial. Lovely plain shape with a straight spout and small size. Early teapots were of small capacity because of the rarity of tea. Contains 550ml. Weight 461g, 14.8 troy oz. Height 11cm, 4.3ins. Spread 20cm, 7.8ins. London 1716.
    Maker Pierre Platel, Huguenot maker and master to Paul de Lamerie. Britannia standard silver, 95.8% purity.

  • Circa 1725


    10442 18th Century Antique Gold Box


    An exquisite little antique gold patch box of circular form with excellent quality chased decoration. Very crisp. Lift off lid. Excellent colour. Weight 33g, 1 troy oz. Height 1.5cm, 0.59ins. Probably Augsburg, Germany. Circa 1725. Solid gold, probably 18 carat.

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