Thomas Brydon
Thomas Brydon
Thomas Brydon, London silver maker, apprenticed to William Brett of the Merchant Taylors’ Company, free 1688. Only mark entered as largeworker undated, probably 1697.
Thomas Brydon
8362 William & Mary Antique Silver Sugar Caster
A late 17th century antique sterling silver muffineer in the traditional lighthouse design with a bayonet fitting, so typical of these very early casters. This lovely castor is of heavy quality and feels good in the hand. The base is plain styled with fluted borders, the top is simply pierced, the holes are quite large as crushed loaf sugar was still in use at this early date. Uninscribed. Weight 310 grams, 9.9 troy ounces. Height 20 cm. Diameter of base 8.5 cm. London 1690. Makers mark for Thomas Brydon (overstruck) – see Jacksons page 148, bottom mark.
Thomas Brydon
10371 William III Silver Snuffer Scissors
A rare early English silver candle douter, also called a wick trimmer, with the simple plain style typical of the period. *Britannia standard silver. Weight 94 grams, 3 troy ounces. Length 15.9cm. Width 5.5cm. London 1701. Few snuffers were made prior to 1700. Maker Thomas Brydon, see Jackson’s Silver & Gold Marks page 154, a known snuffers and stand maker.