Thomas Wallis II & Jonathan Hayne
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Thomas Wallis II & Jonathan Hayne
Thomas Wallis II, London silversmith, son of Billers Wallis, victualler, apprenticed to Thomas Wallis I in 1771, free 1779. 1st mark entered as plateworker 1778. 4 marks as bucklemaker 1780-89. Livery 1791. 6th mark as plateworker (2 sizes) 1792. 7th mark (6 punches) 1796. 8th mark (6 punches) 1801. 9th mark, 2 sizes, in partnership with Jonathan Hayne as plateworkers 1810. 10th mark, 3 sizes, 1817. 11th mark 1820. Partnership dissolved 1821 when Hayne entered a separate mark. Also Francis Mayor, apprenticed to Wallis in 1816, was turned over to Hayne in 1821 suggesting the retirement of Wallis. Wallis died 1836.