
Boxes / Desk

Boxes / Desk

  • Circa 1875

    C.P Parkin

    8830 Victorian Folding Biscuit Box


    A decorative version of the antique silver plated folding biscuit box. It opens to reveal a stunning gilt interior. Attractive shell shape with a decorative cast border frame. The pierced grills keep the biscuits in place and can be lifted to access the contents. Silver plated. Height 24.5 cms. Width 21.5 cms. Underneath there is the unicorn mark for the Cheltenham and Company Ltd, Sheffield, UK. Silver plate on copper. Circa 1875.

  • Circa 1880


    10411 Antique French Gilt Lorgnette


    A very attractive antique eye glass (or lorgnette) with an intricate decorated handle. Can be worn on a chain. Length 7.5cm. Width 4.2cm. Gold cased (gold on metal probably brass). Unmarked. French. Circa 1880.

  • 1886


    7481 Antique Silver Card Case


    An antique sterling silver card case with hinged top and all over embossed scroll decoration. To the front there is a deep relief representation of the Scott Memorial in Edinburgh, Scotland. On the back there is a vacant central cartouche. Weight 70 grams. Height 10 cm. Width 7 cm. Birmingham 1886. Makers mark indistinct.

  • Circa 1890


    9905 Antique Gold and Enamel Pencil


    A good quality late Victorian small 9 carat gold and enamel telescopic propelling pencil with attached suspension ring, a deep blue coloured guilloche enamel sleeve, and bullet shaped telescopic pencil with reeded barrel. Length 3cm (closed), 6.1cm (open). Maker “E.B”. England. Circa 1890.

  • Circa 1900


    8949 Antique Bronze Dog


    A striking figure of a dog raised on hind legs with one foot supported by an oval specimen of Blue John*. The modelling is very realistic. Raised on a marble resin base. Height 17.5 (total), 12.5 cms (dog) cms. Base 10.5 x 5.8 cms. Unsigned. Probably English. Circa 1900.

  • Circa 1900


    6425 Antique Miniature Silver Mandolin


    A pretty little model silver mandolin. To the front there is a country scene with a horse and cherub. On the back there is a cherub fishing scene. Weight 41 grams, 1.3 troy ounces. Length 10.75 cms. Width 3.5 cms. Continental silver – unmarked. Circa 1900.

  • Circa 1900


    6426 Antique Miniature Silver Double Bass


    A large and very heavy antique silver model double bass. Very pretty with flowers, ladies and cherub decoration. Excellent modelling. Weight 182 grams, 5.8 troy ounces. Length 16.5 cms. Width 5 cms. Continental silver – unmarked. Circa 1900.

  • Circa 1900


    9966 Antique Silver Pencil


    An antique silver propelling pencil, would have originally hung on a lady’s chatelaine or gentleman’s watch chain. Hexagonal shaped body with hand engraved decoration around the outside. The top is inset with a purple coloured stone. The central sliding band extends & retracts the internal pencil mechanism. Length 4.3cm (closed), 5.cm (extended). English circa 1900. The pencil is unmarked. The T-bar has maker’s mark “J.K”, date letter “s” probably for Birmingham 1892. The chain links with the lion mark only. Guaranteed silver, sterling grade or similar.

  • Circa 1900


    10195 Antique Silver Fish


    This giant silver fish box is larger than life. An excellent quality model fish, beautifully articulated, and with naturalistic engraved detail and scales. The head opens to reveal a storage box. Stunning large size. Pale gilt finish and blue enamelled eyes. The bottom fins serve also as stand supports. Weight 2180 grams, 70 troy ounces. Length 72.5 cm. Height 12 cm (to top of fin). Continental silver marks for Hanau, Germany. Circa 1900. German silver fineness is usually 800/1000. 19th century.

  • Circa 1904


    8280 Antique Austrian Silver Box


    An elegant antique silver casket with hinged carrying handle and flap fastener. Suitable for use as a jewellery box. Lovely plain style and heavy gauge silver. Engraved to the lid is an inscription “Ein Andenkung”, a monogram and a date (probably 13th August 1904). The interior has the original light gilding. Weight 425 grams, 13.6 troy ounces. Top measures 13.5 x 8.25 cms. Spread across feet 15.5 cms. Possibly Austrian. Maker BH. Circa 1904.

  • Circa 1920


    7499 Antique Estonian Silver Cigarette Case


    A handsome antique silver cigarette case with a large embossed plaque of a horse to the front. Original gilt interior and stone mounted catch. Good heavy quality and useful large size. Weight 163 grams, 5.2 troy ounces. Height 11 cm. Width (closed) 8 cm. Marked inside on both flaps with Estonian silver stamps. Circa 1920.

  • 1937

    Adie Brothers

    9336 Art Deco Silver Box


    An excellent quality 1930’s sterling silver cigar box with engine turned decoration to the lid. Superb plain design and clean lines. Heavy quality. The interior has the original wood lining. Height 7 cms. Length 22.7 cm. Width 14.4 cm. Birmingham 1937. Maker Adie Brothers.

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