Circa 1524
9787 Antique Italian Gilt and Silver Monstrance
A rare medieval copper gilt and silver monstrance with a steeple top. The central section has a glass hinged door flanked either side by two niches containing the figures of Saint Peter and Saint Paul; the pillar tops are detachable. The knopped stem is mounted with 4 saint figures. The hexafoil foot, beautifully engraved and chased, is mounted with 3 silver discs engraved with Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saint Sebastian. The underside bears an engraved inscription in old Italian, dated 1524, for the Italian church of San Piero di Porto di Legnago, near Verona. Height 38.5cm. Width 14.8cm. Italian. Date circa 1524. There are no silver marks which is normal for a religious article of such an early date.
Circa 1600
9461 Antique Continental Silver Processional Cross
A rare early silver processional cross. The embossed silver has applied plaques to the front and reverse and a “corpus” (figural image of Christ’s body). Bright parcel gilt finish. Bronze terminals enhance the ornate form of the cross. Height 48.5cm including the metal rod support, 40.5cm without. Width 29cm. Unmarked. Probably Italian circa 1600.
Circa 1710
9091 Antique Queen Anne Silver Pilgrim Flask
A rare early English silver drinks flask of small size in the form of a medieval pilgrim flask. Plain form and heavy gauge silver with a screw-on top and pendant chain. There is a large decorative cartouche hand engraved to both sides with an armorial to the front (probably for Underhill of Stratford-upon-Avon) and a crest of a stag to the reverse. Weight 173 grams, 5.5 troy ounces. Height 13 cms. Width 8 cms. Unmarked English silver. Circa 1710. Illustrated in Michael Clayton’s Pictorial History of English & American Silver (see photos).
Circa 1790
Guiseppe Caltagirone
8191 Antique Italian Silver Frames
A stylish pair of late 18th century Sicilian silver cartaglorias containing the original texts in old fashioned script. The oval bead bordered frames have applied gilt silver swags, leaves and flower motifs, the bases are raised on square supports. The sheet silver frames are pinned onto carved softwood backs. Height 26.7 cm. Width 23 cm. Marked on the bottom left hand corner with “GC” for Guiseppe Caltagirone of Trapani, Sicilia. Circa 1790.
Circa 1890
9629 Antique German Silver Spice Tower
Of Jewish interest. A large continental silver spice box in the form of a medieval tower with a turret surmounted by a cockerel. All over gilded. The top 2 sections, each containing a bell, sit above the spice box which has pierced and engraved decoration. The box has a drop-down door with scroll catch. Weight 286 grams, 9.1 troy ounces. Height 32 cm. Continental silver marks. Possibly Hanau, Germany. Circa 1890.