George II
George II
Edward Wakelin
9454 Antique George II Silver Caddy
A magnificent antique sterling silver tea box with a sliding top and cast silver flower finial. Very heavy cast silver design. The deep relief decoration includes flowers, shells, scrolls and a magnificent lions head and paw. After a Paul de Lamerie design. Weight 462 grams, 14.8 troy ounces. Height 13.5cm. Top 10.2 x6.7cm. London 1748. Maker Edward Wakelin for George Wickes.
9455 George II Silver Mug
A handsome antique sterling silver mug of straight sided baluster form with a cast scroll handle. Excellent plain style. Good size. Lovely hand beaten silver, good gauge. To the front there is a hand engraved monogram with stylised initials in old fashioned script. Original owners initials on the underside. Contains 530 ml. Weight 368 grams, 11.8 troy ounces. Height 11.2cm. Diameter 8.8cm. Spread 13.3cm. London 1735.
David Willaume II
9458 George II Silver Salver
A rare antique sterling silver salver of oval form with a cast border of rope and shell ornament. Fine quality and heavy weight. The centre has a hand engraved armorial with mottos “Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense” and “Stat Religione”. Oval salvers are not generally found the second half of the 18th century. Weight 672 grams, 21.6 troy ounces. Height 4cm. Top measures 26x19cm. London 1732. Maker David Willaume II.
with a cast border of rope and shell ornament. Fine quality and heavy weight. The centre has a hand engraved armorial with mottos “Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense” and “Stat Religione”. Oval salvers are not generally found the second half of the 18th century. Weight 672 grams, 21.6 troy ounces. Height 4cm. Top measures 26x19cm. London 1732. Maker David Willaume II. -
Richard Gurney And Thomas Cooke
9467 George II Antique Silver Lidded Tankard
A good quality English silver tankard with domed lid. Sterling silver. Plain baluster design form, the body with a concentric reed ring to the base of the handle, the S scroll handle finishes in a decorative thumb piece. Uninscribed. Good patina.
Contains 1000 ml. Weight 775 grams, 24.9 troy ounces. Height 19.2cm (to top of thumb piece). Spread 16cm. London 1745. Maker Richard Gurney and Thomas Cooke. -
Circa 1730
9468 Antique Silesian Silver Tazza
A very interesting early continental dish of octagonal form having ribbed borders and pressed decoration. Large size. The spreading foot has matching ornament with matted detail, it is fixed to the top with the original rivets. The silver is of thin gauge which is typical of some early continental silver. Weight 644 grams, 20.7 troy ounces. Height 8 cm. Width 33 cm. Stamped on the edge with Silesian silver marks for Streigau, makers mark, the initials “FW” and assay scrape, circa 1730.
Circa 1750
John Harvey I
9475 Georgian Silver Wine Label
A very pretty antique sterling silver bottle ticket with a silver chain. Good quality with cast vine decoration and a scroll across the centre engraved “SHERRY”. Weight 20 grams. Measures 6.2 x 4.5 cm. Stamped with makers mark for John Harvey I, London. Circa 1750.
Thomas Gilpin
9478 George II Silver Coffee Pot
A handsome antique sterling silver coffee pot of semi-shaped form raised on a shallow pedestal foot. Acorn finial. Elegant plain design and graceful shaped spout. To the front there is a hand engraved crest within a decorative oval cartouche. Uninscribed. Contains 850 ml. Weight 688 grams, 22.1 troy ounces. Height 23.5cm. Spread across spout and handle 21cm. London 1748. Maker Thomas Gilpin.
9538 George II Silver Jug
An antique sterling silver sparrow beak jug with a compact body and wire rimmed foot. Good plain style. Good patina. Weight 81 grams, 2.6 troy ounces. Height 7.5cm. Spread 7.3cm across the top. Sterling silver. London 1735. Maker’s mark not fully stamped.
John Café
9557 George II Silver Snuffer Tray
A good quality antique sterling silver snuffer stand of serpentine form and a flying scroll handle. Good plain design and heavy gauge silver with applied shell borders. To the centre is a hand engraved armorial. Weight 313 grams, 10 troy ounces. Length 20.5cm. Width 10.2cm. Height 5.3cm. London 1750. Maker John Cafe.
Peter Archambo
9573 George II Silver Inkstand
A rare early English silver inkstand of plain rectangular design raised on four ball and claw feet. Sterling silver. Mounted on top are two cylindrical containers for ink and sand and a small detachable candlestick. Engraved to the top with a coat of arms, the two pots and taperstick with a crest. Weight 780 grams, 25 troy ounces. Height 9.5cm. Length 20.5cm. Width 13.5cm. London 1742. Maker Peter Archambo.
Circa 1730
Anders Erichsen Hind
9594 Antique Norwegian Silver Tankard
Probably Norwegian. An early 18th century Scandinavian silver peg tankard of plain cylindrical form raised on three stylish pomegranate ball feet. Large size and heavy weight. The domed cover and body are decorated in the Regence style popular in c.1730. The scroll handle has a thumb piece modelled as a rampant lion holding a large ball. The lid has an inset coin (added later). Contains 1600 ml. Weight 1294 grams, 41.6 troy oz. Height 18 cm, 23 cm (to top of thumbpiece). Makers mark only “AEH” struck 4 times underneath probably for Anders Erichsen Hind of Bergen, Norway. Circa 1730.
Richard Bayley
9606 George II Silver Coffee Pot
A good plain style antique sterling silver coffee pot with straight tapering sides and domed lid. Hand engraved to the front with an armorial within a decorative cartouche. Good gauge silver and colour. Contains 850 ml. Weight 677 grams, 21.7 troy ounces. Height 21.5 cm. Spread 20.5 cm. London 1738. Maker Richard Bayley.
Henry Dutton
9614 Antique George II Silver Tea Kettle
A handsome antique sterling silver samovar of globular form having a folding handle with leather finish. Plain style with gadroon borders and hand engraved armorial to the front. Pretty flower finial. The matching silver tea kettle stand has an ornate cast and pierced frieze and stands on large shell feet; the integral oil reservoir has a push on top. All pieces with a matching crest. Contains 1700 ml. Weight 1349 grams, 43.3 troy ounces. Total height 35 cm (handle extended)/ kettle height 25 cm (handle extended), 15.5 cm (to top of kettle). London 1754. Maker Henry Dutton.
David Hennell
9619 George II Silver Bowl
An antique sterling silver bowl of simple form with a reeded top. Small size probably for sugar. Weight 163 grams, 5.24 troy ounces. Diameter of top 8.5 cm. Height 7.5 cm. London 1748. Maker David Hennell.
Circa 1740
9621 Antique Gold Pique Box
An antique tortoiseshell box of circular bombe form inlaid overall with gold pique dot work. The cover and base are overlaid with solid gold cut work ornament of classical figures and motifs. Diameter 6 cm. Height 3.1 cm. Circa 1740. Probably English. Unmarked gold.
Circa 1735
Benjamin Godfrey
9636 Antique George II Silver Strawberry Dish
A fine quality antique silver strawberry dish of circular form and raised on cast shaped feet. Ribbed and scalloped border. Good weight and patina. The surface and border are hand engraved with a well executed decoration of shells and scrolls, typical of the period and displaying the Huguenot influence associated with this maker. To the centre is an excellent armorial within a decorative cartouche. This could also be used as a salver or small tray. Weight 715 grams, 22.9 troy ounces. Scratch weight 23=6. Diameter 24 cm, inner diameter 19.5 cm. Height 4 cm. Circa 1735. Maker’s mark only for Benjamin Godfrey. Sterling silver.
Joseph Sanders
9655 George II Silver Bowl
A large antique sterling silver bowl of plain, circular form on a spreading foot. Unusually good size for this period and suitable for bread, fruit and flowers. Excellent quality and good gauge silver. Hand engraved to the front is an armorial within a large decorative cartouche. Weight 1367 grams, 43.9 troy ounces. Height 17.2 cm. Diameter 26 cm. London 1735. Maker Joseph Sanders.
Sarah Par
9656 George II Antique Silver Salver
An early English sterling silver salver of shaped square form raised on flared feet. To the centre is a hand engraved crest encircled by a decorative cartouche. Good colour. Weight 405 grams, 13 troy ounces. Width 21.5cm. Height 2.2cm. London 1731. Maker Sarah Par. Sterling silver.
William Garrard
9665 George II Silver Pap Boat
A charming little antique silver feeding bowl with the plain styling typical for this period. Suitable as a small sauceboat. Weight 52 grams, 1.6 troy ounces. Height 3.5cm. Spread 10cm. London 1739. Maker William Garrard.
Circa 1750
William Townsend
9668 Set of 3 Antique Silver Cups
A fine quality George II sterling silver cup on a spreading foot. The scroll side handles have acanthus leaf mounts. The accompanying pair of smaller silver cups make a matching set. Each cup has a large hand engraved armorial to the front within a decorative cartouche and the scratch weight incised below. Excellent colour and very heavy weight. The large cup has a presentation inscription underneath to Harold Heinz, president of the H.J Heinz company. Large cup weight 1059 grams, 34 troy ounces. Height 17.6cm. Spread 26.5cm. Diameter 14.2cm. Small cups weigh 467 grams each, 15.01 troy ounces and 471 grams, 15.10 troy ounces. Height 13cm. Spread 17cm. Diameter 10.1cm. Large cup Dublin circa 1750, maker William Townsend. Smaller cups unmarked silver.
Thomas Farren
9670 George II Silver Mug
An excellent early English sterling silver mug with baluster shape on a spreading foot. Lovely chunky style and large capacity. The plain features are typical of the period. Good gauge metal and very heavy weight. Excellent colour. Uninscribed. Gilt interior. Contains 520 ml. Weight 382 grams, 12.2 troy ounces. Height 12cm. Diameter of top 8.4cm. London 1735. Maker Thomas Farren. Sterling silver.
Circa 1750
9674 Antique Silver Perpetual Calendar Snuff Box
An 18th century silver snuff box with rotating dials to both sides. Very charming and retains the interior gilding. The panels have scrolled flower and chased decoration. The top side has the rotatable “Calendarium Perpetuum” which shows the days of the week (in old German script, and marked with their planetary signs) against days of the month. The reverse side has seven readout windows described by the headings on the rotatable disk (in old German script) – 1) month of the year with its number of days, 2) the important saints’ and feast days in the month, 3) sun’s Zodiacal position (represented by amusing little hand engraved zodiac symbols), 4) length of day, 5) length of night, 6) time of sun rise, and 7) time of sunset. A good example in very good condition. 126 grams, 4 troy ounces. Length 8.4cm. Width 5.5cm. Height 2cm. German. Probably 18th century circa 1750. Unmarked silver.
Richard Pargeter
9675 George II Silver Salver
A handsome antique sterling silver salver of plain design having a Chippendale border. Heavy gauge silver. Standing on 4 large scroll feet. To the centre is a hand engraved armorial within a decorative cartouche. Scratch weight 38=17. Weight 1150 grams, 36.9 troy ounces. Diameter 30 cm. Height 4.8 cm. London 1734. Maker Richard Pargeter. Sterling silver.
Circa 1750
9683 Antique Continental Silver Beaker
A very pretty antique silver beaker of shaped wrythen form. The bright fire gilding on the interior and part exterior is very striking. Heavy gauge silver. The body is decorated with a sea foam border and broad trails of flowers and foliage. Engraved to the front is a crown crest over initials. Contains 150 ml. Weight 125 grams, 4 troy ounces. Height 8.5cm. Diameter 7.1cm. Probably German. Circa 1750. Maker’s mark possibly I.B.D within a 3 leaf clover. Unmarked silver.
Paul de Lamerie
9690 George II Cream Boat by Paul de Lamerie
A superb antique silver cream jug made by the celebrated 18th century Huguenot silversmith Paul de Lamerie. A fine piece of exuberant rococo silver of naturalistic design incorporating boldly cast figural images, foliage, fruit and flowers. Very heavy and sits well in the hand. The shaped oval body stands on 3 shell feet with curious face masks and scrolling leaf terminals. The handle is formed as 2 intertwined snakes and attached to the body by a large flower rosette. Below the pouring lip is another face mask and the crest of an arm and sword. Both sides have a large applied decorative panel on a matted background. Weight 212 grams, 6.8 troy ounces. Height 9.4cm (to top of handle). Spread 12.4cm. Width 7cm. London 1740. Maker Paul de Lamerie.
John Edwards II
9701 George II Silver Mug
A handsome antique silver tankard of large size and good weight. Plain baluster form with a shaped scroll handle. Bright colour. Uninscribed. Contains 670 ml, over 1 imperial pint. Weight 365 grams, 11.7 troy ounces. Height 12.2cm. Spread 13cm. Diameter 8.7cm. London 1748. Maker John Edwards II. Sterling silver.
Edward Vincent
9695 George II Silver Box
A rare antique silver box of hexagonal form with a folding strapwork catch; the hinged lid having a large drop handle supported by ball finials. Of plain form and heavy gauge silver, this unusual box is extremely heavy. The interior pull out tray has two hinged lids enclosing six compartments. Possibly a spice box, although spice boxes of this period usually had a double centrally hinged lid, could also be used for cash or jewellery. Weight 1268 grams, 40.7 troy ounces. Height 9.5cm. Top measures 17 x 12cm. London 1733. Maker Edward Vincent. Sterling silver.
Richard Gosling
9699 George II Antique Silver Beer Jug
A classic antique silver jug of baluster form on a plain circular cast foot. Sparrow beak lip. To the front is an expansive armorial within a decorative cartouche. Excellent colour. Useful for serving cold drinks such as beer, wine or water. Contains 1000 ml. Weight 686 grams, 22 troy ounces. Height 19cm (to top of thumbpiece). Spread 17cm. Diameter 8.8 cm. London 1736. Maker Richard Gosling. Sterling silver.
Paul de Lamerie
9700 George II Silver Salver by Paul de Lamerie
A large and important silver tray by the celebrated Paul de Lamerie. Of square form, and raised on stylistic bamboo feet, this exceptional salver is hand engraved with an expansive outer border of scroll and latticework interspersed with roundels containing griffin crests and classical faces. To the centre, within a decorative cartouche, is a finely executed coat of arms. Weight 1074 grams, 34.5 troy ounces. Width 26cm. Height 4.6cm. London 1732. Maker Paul de Lamerie. Sterling silver.
Paul de Lamerie
9707 George II Silver Salver by Paul de Lamerie
A fine early English silver salver by the celebrated Huguenot maker Paul de Lamerie. Of square form with shaped corners and raised on scroll feet. This dainty size is often known as a waiter, perfect for standing a wine bottle or glass. To the centre is a hand engraved armorial within a decorative cartouche. Good colour. Weight 198 grams, 6.3 troy ounces. Width 14.5 cm. Height 2.3cm. London 1730. Maker Paul de Lamerie. Britannia standard silver*.
George Wickes
9714 George II Antique Silver Salver
An early English sterling silver salver of square form raised on shaped feet. This small size, often known as a waiter, is perfect for standing a wine bottle or glass. Uninscribed. Good colour. Weight 288 grams, 9.2 troy ounces. Width 19 cm. Height 3.4 cm. London 1730. Maker George Wickes.
Edward Cornock
9725 George II Silver Pap Boat
A nice little antique silver bowl with the plain styling typical for this period. Suitable as a small sauceboat.Owners initials engraved to the base. Weight 67 grams, 2.1 troy ounces. Height 2.8cm. Spread 11cm. London 1733. Maker probably Edward Cornock. Sterling silver.