A.C & Co
William Abdy
Robert Abercrombie
Charles Adam
Johann Jakob Adam
George Adams
Stephen Adams II
Adie & Lovekin
Adie Brothers
James Aitchison
William Aitken
John Albright
Charles Alchorne
Edward Aldridge
Charles Aldridge & Henry Green
Edward Aldridge & John Stamper
John Aldwinckle & Thomas Slater
Allan & Hayes
Jonathan Alleine
Allen & Darwin
William Allen III
John Pierre Alquier
William Andrews
George Angell
Joseph Angell
Arthur Annesley
Nathaniel Appleton & Anne Smith
Peter Archambo
John Archbold
Francesco Arnaud
Thomas Ash
Joseph Ash I
H. W. Ashford
George Ashforth & Co
Henry Aston
Henry Atkin
William Atkinson
John Bache
Bailey & Bates
Carlo Balbino
Thomas Bamford
John Barbe
Robert Barbedor
William Barber
James Barber & William North
James Barber & William Whitwell
Suzannah Barker
Barker Brothers
Barker Ellis
John Barnard
Edward Barnard & Sons
Adolph Barsach Davis
Edward Barton
George Baskerville & William Sampel
Hester Bateman
Peter & Ann Bateman
Peter & William Bateman
Peter‚ Ann & William Bateman
William Bateman
Ann & William Bateman
Benjamin Bathurst
John Batson & Sons
Jon. Jac. Baur
Hans Jakob Baur
John Bayley
Richard Bayley
George Bedingham
David Bell
W Bell
Benetfink & Co
John Bennett
William Bennett
Gerald Benney
Carolus Benninck
S & M Benzen
Andreas Berckmann
John Septimus Beresford
Marmeduke Best
George Betjemann
John Bettridge
Benjamin Bickerton
John Biggin
Margaret Binley
Joseph Bird
Barnabas Blackburn
Richard Blackwell
S Blanckensee
John Blunt II
Boardman‚ Glossop & Co
Victor Boivin
Thomas Bolton
George Boothby
Giovanni Boroni
T Boucher
Matthew Boulton
Henry Bourne
Samuel Boyce Landeck
Charles Boynton
Thomas Bradbury
Joseph Braham
Leonhard Bram
John Brashier
Frederick Brasted
Robert Breading
Georg Carl Brenner
Moses Brent
John Bridge
Joseph Briggs
Henry Brind
Walter Brind
Britten Gould & Co
Brook & Son
Edward Charles Brown
Robert Brown
William Brown
Thomas Brydon
John Buckett
George Bulman
Frantz Peter Bunsen
Samuel Burckenholtz
Richard Burcombe
George Burrows I
William Burwash
William Burwash and Richard Sibley
Esaius Busch III
Abraham Buteux
Sarah Buttall
Francis Butty
Francis Butty and Nicholas Dumee
John Café
William Cafe
Robert Calderwood
Isaac Callard
Guiseppe Caltagirone
Christopher Canner II
John Carnaby
Carringtons & Co
Johann Henrich Carststens
Peter Carter
John Carter II
Carter‚ Smith & Sharp
Benjamin Cartwright
Cartwright‚ Hirons & Woodward
Thomas Causton
John Chapman
John Chapple And John Mantle
William Charnelhouse
John Chartier
Henry Chawner
Mary Chawner
Thomas And William Chawner
Thomas Chawner
William Chawner
Henry Chawner And John Emes
Charles Chesterman
Nicolas Choconain-Delaunay
Peter Le Chouabe
Joseph Clare
Alexander Clarke
John Clarke II
David Clayton
Jonah Clifton
Frank Cobb
Cohen & Solomon
Ebenezer Coker
Robert Collier
Collingwood & Sons
William Collins
Gr Collis
George Comper
Richard Comyns
Robert Comyns
William Comyns
Richard Cooke
Thomas Cooke
Isaac Cookson
Matthew Cooper
Robert Cooper
Thomas Cooper
Cooper Brothers
Edward Cornock
Thomas Cory
John Cory
Augustin Courtauld
Samuel Courtauld I
Cowrie & Co
Robert Albin Cox
Robert Cox
Joseph Cradock
Sebastian & James Crespel
Andrew Crespel & Thomas Parker
Paul Crespin
Nathaniel Creswick
T & J Creswick
Creswick & Co
Walter Crichton
Crichton Brothers
Thomas Crippen
William Cripps
Crisford & Norris
John Crouch & Thomas Hannam
John Crouch II
Henry Crowder
Francis Crump
John Cruttall
Louys Cuny
Jabez Daniell
Thomas Daniell
William Darker
James Darquits
Jean Joseph Dartis
Isaac Davenport
Samuel Davenport
Burrage Davenport
D & M Davis
George Day
Simon and Willem De Passe
John Deacon
Deakin & Francis
James Deakin & Sons
William & John Deane
Henry William Dee
John Delmester
James Dempster
Robert Dennison
William Denny
William Denny And John Backe
Louis-François-Joseph Devaucenne
Stuart Devlin
Isaac Dighton
Thomas Diller
William James Dingley
George Dixon
James Dixon
James Douglas
John Downes
Arthur Downing Ltd
John Dowthwaite
John Duck
Louis Dupont
Francois Durand
Leslie Durbin
Henry Dutton
William Dyxson
E.S & Co
John Eaton
William Eaton
John Eckford
James Charles Edington
John Edwards
Thomas Edwards
John Edwards II
John Edwards III
Heinrich Eichler
Georg Matthias Einboke
Clas Johann Elers
Charles Eley
William Eley
Eley And Fearn
Eley‚ Fearn & Chawner
William Ellerby
Ellerton & Sibley
William Elliott
Mary Elliott
Isaac Ellis & Sons
William Ely
Lawrence Emanuel
John Emes
William Emes
Rebecca Emes & Edward Barnard I
William England and John Vaen
Erik Ernander
Ernest Eschwege
Thomas Evans And George Smith III
Charles Eystone
Karl Fabergé
Richard Farmer
John Farnell
Edward Farrell
Thomas Farren
Thomas Fattorini
John Fattorini And Sons
William Fawdery
John Fawdery I
James Feake
Edward Feline
Jacob Fenigstein
Fentem‚ Danby And Webster
Fenton Brothers
Fenton‚ Creswick & Co Ltd
William Fern
Edward Fernell
Clermont Ferrand
Rene-Pierre Ferrier
Ferrn Family
Anthony Ficketts
John Figg
H Fisher & Co.
William Fitzgerald
William Fleming
Andrew Fogelberg
Fogelberg And Gilbert
Thomas Folkingham
Fordham & Faulkner
Lancelot Fleming Forrester
John Fossey
Foster & Bailey
William Fountain
Charles Fox
George Fox
Robert Frederick Fox
James Fraillon
Benjamin Francis
Donald Fraser
Maurice Freeman
Richard Freeman
H C Freeman
G Freis
Emmanuel Frémiet
William Frisby
Charles & John Fry
Crispin Fuller
Robert Gainsford
Alexander Gairdner
William Gamble
John Gamon
Phillips Garden
Robert Garrard
William Garrard
Robert Garrard II
George Garthorne
Francis Garthorne
Robert Gaze
Gebruder Dingeldein
Gebruder Gutgesell
Dougal Ged
Daniel Gee
Claude Genu
Edward Gibbons
John Gibbons
John B Gibbs
Edward Gibson
Benjamin Gignac
Gilbert & Spurrier
George Gillet
George Gillingham
Thomas Gilpin
Jacques-Joseph Giraud
Edward Gladwin
Gladwyn Ltd
Samuel Godbehere
Samuel Godbehere and Edward Wigan
Benjamin Godfrey
Elizabeth Godfrey
Meschach Godwin
The Goldsmiths Alliance
Goldsmiths And Silversmiths Co
William Goodwin
Bert Gordon
John Gorsuch
Richard Gosling
William Gough
James Gould
William Gould
Gourdel Vales
Grachev Brothers
Adam Graham
Thomas Graham
Robert Gray & Son
Jean George Grebe
Henry Green
Richard Green
John Green & Co.
David Greene
George Greenhill
Henry Greenway
Robert Gregory
Grey & Co
John Grinsell & Sons
Walter Groves
William Grundy
Guild Of Handicraft
Richard Gurney And Thomas Cooke
Jean-Henri Guyot
William Gwillim
Aaron Hadfield
John Hague
Christopher Haines
William Hall
Henry Hallsworth
John Hamilton Of Dublin
Hamilton & Co
Hamilton & Inches
Hammond‚ Creake & Co
Heniel Hamon
Hampston & Prince
Pierre Harache
John Harding
Harman Brothers
James Harmar
Thomas Harper
Charles Stuart Harris
Harris Brothers
William Harrison
Harrison Brothers
Harrison Brothers & Howson Ltd
Naphtali Hart
Naphtali Hart & Duncan Urquhart
John Harvey I
Haseler Brothers
W H Haseler Ltd
Elizabeth Haslewood
Charles Hatfield
A Haviland-Nye
Samuel Hawkes
John Hawkins
G. And J. W Hawksley
Hawksworth & Eyre
Balthasar Haydt
Jonathan Hayne
Samuel Hayne & Dudley Cater
Thomas Hayter
Arthur Hazelwood
Joseph Healy
Heath And Middleton
Johann Philipp Hekenauer
Roelof Helweg
Joseph Heming
Thomas Heming
Pierre Hendrickx
David Hennell
Robert‚ David & Samuel Hennell
Samuel Hennell
Robert And David Hennell
Robert Hennell I & Samuel Hennell
Robert Hennell II
Samuel Hennell & John Terry
Robert Hennell I
Samuel Herbert And Company
Lewis Herne & Francis Butty
James Hetherington
Colen Hewer
William Hewitt
Frederick Hewson
Hewson & Williams
John Heyland
Francis Higgins
Hilliard & Thomason
Anders Erichsen Hind
Samuel Hitchcock
Daniel Hockley
Richard Hodd & William Linley
George Hodder Of Cork
John Hodson
Johann Hoffler
Edward Holaday
Sarah Holaday
Henry Holland
Thomas Holland I
Edmund Holliday
Charles Hollinshed
William Holmes
William Holmes & Nicholas Dumee
William Homer
Samuel Hood
Horton & Allday
Charles Hougham
Solomon Hougham
Soloman Hougham‚ Soloman Royes & John East Dix
John Houle
Daniel & Charles Houle
Joseph Howard
Howard & Hawkesworth
Jonathan Howell
St John Hoyte
Hubertus Hooijkaas
Thomas Hughes
Hukin & Heath
Hung Chong
John Samuel Hunt
Hunt & Roskell
George Hunter
William Edward Hurcomb
Jacob Hurd
John Hutson
William Hutton
John Hyatt And Charles Semore
Ivan Kaltykov
Charles Kandler
William Keate
Michael Keating
Thomas Kedder
John James Keith
Andrew Kemp
Robert Kempton
John Kidder
William Kidney
Abstinando King
Jas. King
John King
Thomas King
William King
Robert King
Kirby Waterhouse
S Kirk & Son
James Kirkup
Josef Carl Klinkosch
William Knight
Christian Knudsen Hansen
Fridericus Kronberger
Johann S Kurz
John Ladyman
Grigory Lakomkin
Thomas Lamborn
Paul de Lamerie
John Langland
Dorothy Langland
Langlands & Goodrick
John Langlands I/John Robertson I
Denis Langton
Lanson Ltd
Louis Laroche
Thomas Latham & Ernest Morton
David Lauer
John Laughlin Of Dublin
John Laughton
John Lautier
William Laver
Francis Lawley
Christopher Lawrence
John Hugh Le Sage
Samuel Lea
Thomas And Daniel Leader
Ralph Leake
Ralph Leake/John Cruttall
Marc-Augustin Lebrun
William & Aaron Lestourgeon
Levi & Salaman
Timothy Ley
Ozee Lhommedieu
Charles Lias
Henry John Lias
John & Henry Lias
John‚ Henry & Charles Lias
Liberty & Co
Matthew Linwood
Pierre Liotard
Nathaniel Lock
Richard Lockwood And John Douglas
Matthew Lofthouse
Seth Lofthouse
John Lofthouse I
William London
Hugues Lossieux De La Vallee
Edward Lowe
Robert Lucas
William Lukin
William Maddox
Michel Mader
Robert Makepiece
Robert Makepeace & Richard Carter
Manchester Silver Company
Thomas Mangy
Katherine Mangy
Edward Mangy
George Manjoy
James Manners
Henry Manton
Mappin And Webb
Eugen Marcus
Jacob Margas
Samuel Margas
Thomas Marples
Marples & Co.
Jacob Marsh
Abraham Marshoorn
Richard Martin
Martin Hall and Co
Thomas Mason
Henry Matthews
Thomas David Mauger
Thomas Maundy
J & J Maxfield Ltd
Louis Maystre
George McHattie
James Mckay V
Colin McKenzie
Micon Melun
Samuel Meriton I
B. Mermelins
Thomas Merry
Robert Metham
George Methuen
Lewis Mettayer
John Mewburn
Henry Miller I
Nathaniel Mills
Mit Leufenden Hund
William Moering
Pierre de Moliere
Peter Monger
Antoine-Louis Montalant
John Moore
Sampson Mordan & Co
Walter Morisse
Elizabeth Morley
James Morrison
Richard Morton
Benjamin Mountique
Ludvig Mouritzen Svab
Charles Mullen
Berthold Muller
John Murch
Arthur Murphy
W J Myatt & Co
Padgett & Braham Ltd
Giuseppe Pagliari
Mark Paillet
Pairpoint Brothers
Richard Palmer
Simon Pantin
Sarah Par
William Paradise
Raffaele Parascandolo
Richard Pargeter
John Parker & Edward Wakelin
C.P Parkin
Thomas Parr
John Parsons
Humphrey Payne
John Payne
Payton‚ Pepper & Sons
Robert Peake
William Pearson
Robert Peaston
William & Robert Peaston
William Peaston
William Peaston & William Sharpe
Pelican in her piety
Samuel Pemberton
John Penfold
Jonathan Perkins I & Jonathan Perkins II
Abraham Peterson
Rodney Pettit
S.J Phillips
Thomas And James Phipps
Phipps & Robinson
James Phipps And William Bond
James Phipps I
Phipps Robinson & Phipps
John George Piddington
Peze Pilleau
Gf Pinnell
Pittar & Company
Thomas Pitts
William Pitts
Pittway Brothers
Pierre Platel
Gabriel Player
William Plummer
Henry Plumpton
Francis Plymley
Robert Pocock
Edward Pocock
Peter Podio
Peter Podio and Arthur Peterson
Mario Poli
Thomas Port
Annibale Portanier
John Henry Potter
John Power
Joseph Preedy
Prestons Ltd
Arthur Price
Charles Price
Thomas Prichard
John Priest
W & J Priest
Robert Pringle
Edmund Procter
Luke Proctor & Co
Robert Profit
Emile Puiforcat
Purcell Brothers
Benjamin Pyne
No Silver Makers
David Crichton Rait
Omar Ramsden
Omar Ramsden & Alwyn Carr
Andrew Raven
Rawlings & Summers
William Rawlings Sobey
William Ker Reid
Reid & Son
Mary Ann & Charles Reilly
John Reily
Charles Reily & George Storer
Timothy Renou
George John Richards
George J Richards & Edward C Brown
John Richardson
Robert And Hall
Hugh Roberts
Thomas Roberts
John Roberts & Co
S Roberts & Co
Samuel Roberts And Charles Belk
John Robertson
Patrick Robertson
John Robins
Thomas Robins
John Robinson II
Robinson‚ Edkins & Aston
Andries Roda
Joseph Rodgers
Phillip Roker
Philip Rollos
Thomas Roman
Emick Romer
Simon Romney
Alexander Rood
James Rood
Gundry Roode
Michael Rosenburg
Thomas Ross
Georg Roth
John Round And Sons
Royal Irish Silver Company
Solomon Royes & John East Dix
Richard Rugg
Reinhold Ruhl
Philip Rundell
Rundell‚ Bridge & Rundell
Thomas Rush
John Ruslen
Daniel Rutty
William Sanden
Joseph Sanders
T Satchwell
Francis Saunders
Cornelius Saunders & Francis Shepherd
Saunders And Hollings
James Savage
Joseph & Albert Savory
Pavel Sazikov
Marx Schaller
George Adam Scheid
Hubert Schiffer
Franz Schiffer
John Schuppe
Luigi Sciolet
John Scofield
Thomas A Scott
James Scott
Johann Balthasar Sedletzky
John & Thomas Settle
Thomas And John Settle
Thomas Sewell I
Robert Sharp
Christopher Shaw
John Shaw
William Shaw And William Priest
John Shea
Joseph Sheene
Gilbert Shepherd
Thomas Shepherd
Walter Shute
Richard Sibley I
Sibray‚ Hall & Co
William Simons
Francis Singleton
Walter And Charles Sissons
William Skeen
Daniel Sleamaker
Gabriel Sleath
Thomas Smily
William Smily
Benjamin Smith
Edward Smith
Joseph Smith
Nathaniel Smith
Stephen Smith
John George Smith
Daniel Smith And Robert Sharp
George Smith II & Thomas Hayter
George Smith III & William Fearn
George Smith II
George Smith III
John Smithsend
Robert Smythier
Josiah Snatt
Robert Snow
Paul Solanier
Charles Edward Solomon
David Solomon
Robert & William Sorley
William Southey
Thomas Spackman
John Spackman I
John Spackman II
Thomas Spicer
Francis Spilsbury
Spink & Son
Charles Sprage
Nicholas Sprimont
William Spring
Francis Stamp
James Stamp
Henry Starkey
Philipp Stenglin
David Stewart Dawson & Co Ltd
Martin Stockar
Edward. H. Stockwell
Stockwell & Co
Stokes & Ireland
Clemont Stoner
Paul Storr
Willem Van Strant
Lawrence Stratford
William Street
William Stroud
William Suckling Ltd
William Summers
William Sumner
William Sumner & Richard Crossley
John Sutton
Henry Sutton
James Sutton & James Bult
John Swann
John Swift
Sydney & Co
Pentecost Symonds
Richard Syng
David Tanqueray
John Tapley
Joseph Taylor
Samuel Taylor
Thomas Tearle
John Edward Terry
Edmond Tetard
William Theobalds And Robert Metcalfe Atkinson
Elori-Denis Thierry
Francis Boone Thomas
Edward Thomason
Edwin Thompson Bryant
Simon Thriscross
Louis Comfort Tiffany
Tiffany & Co
John Tiffin
Robert Timbrell
Robert Timbrell And Joseph Bell I
J.W Tiptafe & Son
John Tongue
James Tookey
Charles Townsend
William Townsend
William Traies
Edward Treen
Johann Christoph Treffler
Mary Troby
John Tuite
William Tuite
George Turner
John Turner
Thomas Turner
James Turner
Francis Turner
William Turton
John Tweedie
William Twell
Robert Tyrr II
Johann Wagner
John Wakefield
Edward Wakelin
Wakelin & Taylor
Henry John And James Wakely
Wakely & Wheeler
John Walker
Walker & Hall
George Walker I
Joseph Walker
Thomas Wallis I
Thomas Wallis II
Thomas Wallis II & Jonathan Hayne
John Walton
Wang Hing
George Ward
Joseph Ward
Jacob Warnberger
Samuel Wastell
George Watkins
John Watson
Thomas Watson
Richard Watts
Francis Webb
James Weem
George Weir
Daniel & John Welby
Samuel Welder
John Wellby
Thomas Wells
Benjamin West
John West
West And Son
Matthew (Mathew) West Of Dublin
Samuel Wheatley
Thomas Whipham
Thomas Whipham & Charles Wright
Thomas Whipham & William Williams
Whipham & Wright
Fuller White
John White
Samuel Whitford I
Samuel Whitford II
Samuel Whitford II & George Pizey
John James Whiting
George Wickes
John Wilkinson
Henry Wilkinson & Co
David Willaume
David Willaume II
C.E Williams
J & J Williams
James Williams
Henry Williamson
John Willis
Joseph Willmore
Thomas Willmore
John Edward Wilmot
Thomas Wimbush
John Winterton
J Wippell & Co
George Wise
Luen Wo
Edward Wood
Samuel Wood
Horace Woodward & Co
Edward Workman
William Wrangham Williams
John Wren
Charles Wright
Thomas Wynne
No Silver Makers